Roasted Sweet Potato and Black Bean Quesadillas

Roasted Sweet Potato and Black Bean Quesadillas are the best vegetarian quesadillas you’ll ever taste. So easy to make and most importantly incredibly delicious and filling! – Hungry now? Jump to Recipe

To be honest with you, it was only until I stood back (cheese all over my face) and stared at the crumbs on my plate, when I came to the realisation that there was zero meat involved in this dish. In fact, as I was developing this recipe it never even crossed my mind to add any. Traditional quesadillas call for chicken, sometimes steak. But for me, the heartiness from the sweet potato and black beans was everything these vegetarian quesadillas called for.

Heck, it’s not often we chuck out a recipe with no trace of meat here at the DGBMH HQ, but when we do, we do it big.

Black beans and sweet potato are a marriage made in heaven. Not only because you’re essentially eating carbs with carbs, but the way they take on flavour and add such a gorgeous texture to these quesadillas is almost too much to bare sometimes.

And when cheese gets involved, because let’s be real a quesadilla ain’t a quesadillas if there’s not cheese, things just go to a whole new level.

Okay, let’s have a look at just how easy these are to make.

Tips for the perfect Sweet Potato and Black Bean Quesadilla

  1. Roasting – Yep, you guessed it. This recipe is called roasted sweet potato quesadillas for a reason. You know, there are a fair few recipes out there that boil the sweet potato before adding it as a filling and I have actually tried that. However I find it offers a much weaker texture than roasting, for the pure reason that you’re adding water to the potatoes, causing them to fall soggy in the centre. Roasting the sweet potatoes offers a firmer and slightly crunchier texture. You get a beautiful caramelised casing to the potato with far more developed flavours from the spices, something unfortunately boiling can’t compete with. Sure it takes a little more time to roast, but trust me, it’s worth it.
  2. Lightly Smash – Because you’ve got that nice little crunch from roasting in the oven, it’s important to not mash the sweet potatoes to oblivion, else you’ll lose that gorgeous texture the oven worked so hard to get. My experience in life has taught me not to annoy the oven, it does good things for you.
  3. Lime Juice – The lime juice is actually quite an important ingredient in this recipe. You’ve got the sweet vibes from the potato, the saltiness from the cheese and the heat from the spices. Therefore I find a gentle squeeze of lime juice not only helps balance everything out, but also compliments the flavours of the dish in general.

Ugh, just look at that centre.

*drools uncontrollably*

The other thing to note is these quesadillas are deceivingly filling.

Originally I had offered them as a serving between two, forgetting that not everyone has 5 stomachs like me and my partner. So feel free to split between 4, two hearty slices of these carb frenzy sweet potato quesadillas, especially with a few extra sides, will definitely get the party going. Because there’s only so much carbs with carbs squashed between carbs someone can take.

Lol just kidding there’s literally not limit.

Okay, let’s chuck on some tasty extras.

All in all these sweet potato black bean quesadillas are such a good time. Super flavoursome and really fun to play around with. Perfect for the vegetarians among us and easy to adapt to our vegan friends. A really hearty dish that’s gonna work great as a lunch or dinner and most importantly, a really delicious dish that I’m confident you’re going to fall in love with. Happy quesadillas cooking 🙂

How to make Roasted Sweet Potato and Black Bean Quesadillas (Full Recipe & Video)

Roasted Sweet Potato and Black Bean Quesadillas
Prep Time   10 mins         Cook Time   50 mins          Total Time   1 hr

'Roasted Sweet Potato and Black Bean Quesadillas are the best vegetarian quesadillas you'll ever taste. So easy to make and most importantly incredibly delicious and filling!'

Course    : Appetizer, Dinner, Lunch
Cuisine   : Mexican, Vegetarian
Keyword : Sweet Potato and Black Bean Quesadillas
Servings  : 4
Calories   : 409 kcal
Author     : Chris


  • 2 Large Sweet Potatoes, peeled and sliced into chunks
  • 4 Large White Tortilla Wraps
  • 1 tsp Smoked Paprika
  • 1 tsp Cumin
  • 1/2 tsp Ground Coriander
  • 1/4 tsp Cayenne Pepper (or to preference)
  • 1/2 can of Black Beans, rinsed
  • 2 Large handfuls of Cheddar
  • Juice from 1/2 a Lime
  • Salt & Black Pepper, to taste
  • Olive Oil (see note A)
Extras 'n' optionals:
  • Avocado
  • Jalapeno
  • Fresh Coriander
  • Extra Limes
  • Sour Cream
  • Salsa
  • Guac


  • Preheat oven to 220c (430f). 
  • Place your spuds in a suitably sized oven dish and give them a good drizzle of Oil. Add in your Smoked Paprika, Cumin, Ground Coriander, Cayenne Pepper, Salt & Pepper and give them a mix to completely coat them. Pop in the oven for a good 30-40mins or until softened with a caramelized outing.

Read Full Recipe Here :  Roasted Sweet Potato and Black Bean Quesadillas

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