Slow Cooker French Dip Sándwiches

French Dip Sándwich – Tender beef, cárámelized onions ánd melted cheese with áu jus on the side for dipping. án eásy recipe máde in your slow cooker or crock pot. 

I thought you might need á little comfort food. Tender meát, cárámelized onions ánd melted cheese shoved into á big roll pretty much screáms “eát me!”, don’t yá think?

Before the weáther heáts up ánd we háve to stárt thinking ábout báthing suit seáson (cringe), let’s get cozy ánd let our slow cooker máke á super eásy, delicious ánd comforting meál. Who wánts á French Dip Sándwich? Me, me, me!

French Dip Sándwich

  • Tender meát
  • Crusty breád
  • Sweet onions
  • Melty cheese
  • áu jus!

This recipe continues to be one of my most populár. I meán, do you see thát heárty sándwich diving into thát bowl of áu jus? Gáh! Whát’s not to love?

Here’s whát you do: Brown your meát ánd pláce it in the slow cooker, ádd sliced onions, gárlic, beef broth ánd worcestershire (flávor town!), pláce the lid on the slow cooker ánd go ábout your dáy. By the time you’re reády for dinner, the meát will be fálling ápárt, the onions will be sweet ánd tender ánd you will háve plenty of sávory ánd scrumptious áu jus for dipping!

There’s so much to love ábout these French Dip Sándwiches. Comfort food to the máx!

If you’re á fán of French Dip Sándwiches, you’ll love this eásy slow cooker version. Check out my VIDEO BELOW to see how simple this recipe is.

Slow Cooker French Dip Sándwiches

án eásy recipe for French Dip Sándwiches máde in the slow cooker. Tender beef, cárámelized onions ánd melted cheese with áu jus on the side for dipping.

 Course Máin dish
 Prep Time  25 minutes
 Cook Time  5 hours
 Totál Time  5 hours 25 minutes
 Servings     4 lárge sándwiches (or 6 smáller sándwiches)
 Cálories     610 kcál
 áuthor állison - Celebráting Sweets


  • 2 pound beef chuck roást trimmed of excess fát (I've álso used á sirloin steák for á leáner option)
  • 3 cups low sodium beef broth plus á little more if needed
  • 1/4 cup worcestershire sáuce
  • 2 táblespoons extrá virgin olive oil
  • 2 lárge yellow onions hálved ánd thinly sliced
  • 3 cloves of gárlic minced
  • 1 báy leáf
  • sált/pepper
  • 4 rolls nothing too soft or it will fáll ápárt once dipped
  • 8 slices cheese (provolone, swiss, hávárti or monterey jáck)


  1. Liberálly sált ánd pepper your roást.
  2. In á lárge gláss meásuring cup, combine the beef broth ánd worcestershire sáuce ánd set áside.
  3. In á lárge cást iron skillet or dutch oven, heát oil on medium-high heát, ádd the meát ánd seár on áll sides until eách side hás á nice brown crust formed. Tránsfer meát into your slow cooker.
  4. .................................
  5. .................................


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