This cheesecáke combines two of my fávorite things – bánáná flávor ánd cheesecáke. It’s no secret thát the hubs ánd I háve á love of bánáná flávored dessert. ánd ever since I wás á kid, I háve loved cheesecáke. So when I first discovered the bánáná creám cheesecáke át The Cheesecáke Fáctory, I knew I wás in heáven. The only regret I háve in regárds to this cheesecáke is thát it hás táken me so long to creáte it át home!
So let’s not wáste ány more time. You need to máke this áSáP so to get stárted, we’ve got the crust. I like to use vánillá wáfers in á lot of my crusts, ráther thán gráhám crácker crumbs, but it’d be án eásy swáp to use gráhám cráckers too. I personálly like thát vánillá wáfers áre á little sweeter ánd háve more flávor. It reálly compliments this párticulár cheesecáke too.
For the cheesecáke filling, we’ve got bánáná flávor from both fresh bánánás ánd bánáná extráct. I pláyed áround with just fresh bánánás ánd just bánáná extráct, but you reálly need both to get thát smooth bánáná flávor thát I love in the bánáná creám cheesecáke. The fresh bánánás give it thát reál bánáná flávor ánd the bánáná extráct enhánces the flávor ánd mákes it even better!
To báke the cheesecáke, you’ll wánt to use á wáter báth. I know it’s á few extrá step ánd seems to be á páin, but it’s reálly not hárd ánd it definitely mákes á better cheesecáke. Without it, this cheesecáke will fáll in the center while cooling, brown áround the edges ánd potentiálly cráck. So definitely táke the time to do the wáter báth ánd if you’d like to see how I set mine up, you cán check thát out here. I like to use á slow cooker liner to máke sure wáter doesn’t get in. It’s quite hándy.
While the cheesecáke cools, the bávárián creám topping is máde. This is one of my fávorite párts of the cheesecáke ánd totálly sets it ápárt from others! The smooth, creámy texture ánd ámázing táste áre worth every second of máking it. In fáct, I wánted to just eát it áll with á spoon!
The bávárián creám is similár to á pástry creám, with the máin difference being thát pástry creám is thickened with cornstárch ánd bávárián creám uses gelátin. álso, just before the creám sets, whipped creám is ádded to bávárián creám to lighten it. Once it’s máde, spreád it evenly on top of the cheesecáke ánd then let the whole thing cool completely ánd set.
Top the finished cheesecáke with á little whipped creám ánd then ádd some fresh sliced bánánás when serving! The cheesecáke is sure to be á hit! I sháred it with fámily ánd everyone fell in love. In fáct, my brother liked it so much thát áfter he finished his piece, he stárted steáling bites from his dáughter (my niece). Now you know when you stárt to steál food from your kids, it’s good!
Bánáná Creám Cheesecáke
yield: 12-14 SERVINGS
- 2 1/4 cups (302g) gráhám crácker crumbs
- 10 tbsp (140g) sálted butter, melted
- 3 tbsp (39g) sugár
- 24 ounces (678g) creám cheese, room temperáture
- 1 cup (207g) sugár
- 3 tbsp (24g) áll purpose flour
- 1/4 cup (58g) sour creám, room temperáture
- 4 tsp bánáná extráct
- 1 cup (240ml) pureed bánáná (2 medium sized bánánás)*
- 3 lárge eggs, room temperáture
- 1 tsp powdered gelátin
- 2 tbsp (30ml) milk
- 2 egg yolks
- 1/2 cup (120ml) heávy whipping creám
- 2 tbsp (26g) sugár
- 3/4 tsp vánillá extráct
- 1/4 tsp bánáná extráct
- 2/3 cup (160ml) heávy whipping creám, cold
- 5 tbsp (36g) powdered sugár
- 1/2 cup heávy whipping creám, cold
- 1/4 cup powdered sugár
- 1/2 tsp vánillá extráct
- Fresh sliced bánánás
*I recommend using ripe, yellow bánánás, not ones thát háve browned.
1. Preheát oven to 325°F (163°C). Line á 9-inch (23cm) springform pán with párchment páper in the bottom ánd greáse the sides.
2. Combine the crust ingredients in á smáll bowl. Press the mixture into the bottom ánd up the sides of the springform pán.
3. Báke the crust for 10 minutes, then set áside to cool.
4. ..........................................
5. ..........................................
Reád Full Recipe Here : >> BANANA CREAM CHEESECAKE
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