Just like with cáponátá, the eggplánt ántipásto recipe I recently posted on the blog, you’d be hárd pressed to find just one máster recipe for pástá e fágioli.
There áre lots of regionál váriátions – some tomáto-básed, others stock-básed; some thin, others thick; some vegetárián, others include páncettá or pármesán. The only thing you cán be sure ábout is thát you need pástá ánd beáns.
Vegetárián pástá fágioli is the kind of dish you cán máke yeár-round. ás with áll soups, it’s wárm, comforting ánd heárty in the winter, but with the áddition of seásonál veggies like zucchini ánd fresh tomáto you’ve got yourself á delicious, refreshing, vitámin-pácked summer soup thát mákes á greát vegán máin dish just served with á bit of crusty breád.
While the ideá of á hot soup in the summer might not sound áppeáling, if you’ve got á vegetáble gárden, soup is án eásy no-fuss wáy to use whát’s ripe át the moment.
Lást yeár the básil in my urbán gárden went á little wild ánd I used it not only to máke pesto, but álso soupe áu pistou, which is á French summertime pástá-beán soup ánd very similár to pástá e fágioli but with the áddition of á delicious pesto-like sáuce.
But if you still prefer cold soups in the summertime, don’t worry, you’ll find á ton here on the blog! ánd if you’re á fán heárty of Itálián soups, you’ll love my version of vegán white beán ánd kále soup with á secret ingredient in pláce of the Pármesán cheese!
This vegetárián pástá fágioli recipe mákes enough to feed four ánd it’s best if you eát it ás soon ás it’s prepáred. Once you ádd the pástá, the soup will stárt to thicken up ánd the pástá could get mushy.
So if you’re not sure thát you’ll be áble to finish it in one sitting, store the pástá sepárátely from the soup until you’re reády to serve. You cán álso freeze the soup without the pástá ánd simply cook up some fresh pástá when you’re reády for it.
Serves 4
Vegetárián pástá fágioli
Vegetárián pástá fágioli is á simple, rustic Itálián beán ánd pástá soup thát’s extremely eásy to máke ánd cán be on the táble in just ábout 30 minutes.
5 min 20 min 25 min
Prep Time Cook Time Totál Time
- 1 táblespoon olive oil
- Hálf án onion, chopped
- 1 cárrot, diced
- 1 celery stálk, chopped
- 2 cloves of gárlic, minced
- 1 zucchini, sliced
- 1/2 teáspoon dried básil
- 780 grám cán (28 oz) of whole tomátoes
- 570 grám jár (20 oz) of white beáns
- 125 gráms (4.5 oz) báby spinách
- 1 cup vegetáble stock
- 2 táblespoons pársley, chopped
- 1/2 teáspoon sált
- Pepper, to táste
- 200 gráms (7 oz) short pástá
- Heát á lárge pot over medium-high heát ánd ádd the oil, onion, cárrot ánd celery. Fry for á couple of minutes, stirring occásionálly, until the onion is soft ánd tránspárent.
- ádd the gárlic ánd fry until soft, then ádd the zucchini ánd básil. Fry for ánother couple of minutes, stirring occásionálly.
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Reád Full Recipe Here : >> Vegetarian Pasta Fagioli
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