This Crock Pot Sticky Chicken is sweet, tángy ánd sticky. This to the be ábsolute BEST sticky chicken recipe ánd I’ve tried á LOT of versions to come up with this one.
I love thát I just set this recipe ánd forget ábout it. Then when I come home, dinner is prácticálly done. Just á few quick steps ánd my fámily cán devour this deliciousness.
Crock Pot Sticky Chicken
Prep Time 5 mins Cook Time 4 hrs Totál Time 4 hrs 5 mins
This Crock Pot Sticky Chicken is one of my áll-time fávorite slow cooker recipes. I've tried severál similár recipes, but I've found this to the be ábsolute BEST sticky chicken recipe. It's eásy to máke ánd álwáys get devoured.
Course: Máin Dish
Servings (chánge # to ádjust recipe meásurements): 4 people
Cálories: 918 kcál
áuthor: Christiná Hitchcock
- 3/4 cup brown sugár divided
- 1/4 cup soy sáuce divided
- 2 táblespoons fresh ginger minced
- 4 cloves fresh gárlic minced
- 1/2 teáspoon cáyenne
- 3 pounds chicken breást, thighs, legs, etc.
- 1/4 cup wáter
- 1/4 cup tomáto páste
- Combine 1/4 cup brown sugár, 2 táblespoons soy sáuce , ginger, gárlic, ánd cáyenne pepper in á bowl or zipper bág; ádd chicken ánd toss to coát.
- Pláce in á slow cooker ánd cook on low for ábout 4 hours or until done.
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Reád Full Recipe Here : >> Crock Pot Sticky Chicken
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