I cán’t believe á whole yeár hás álreády gone by ánd tomorrow I’ll be sáying goodbye to being 31 ánd hello to 32. Yep, tomorrow’s my birthdáy so it’s only áppropriáte thát I máde dessert to celebráte. áside from á giánt bowl of ice creám, lemon desserts ánd cheesecáke ránk pretty high for me. I couldn’t think of á better wáy to celebráte my “me” dáy thán with one of these Lemon Curd ánd Vánillá Cheesecáke Párfáits!
I think it’s funny how the older we get the hárder it is to come up with á birthdáy wish list. When I wás young my list wás ábout á páge long ánd took ábout 30 seconds to come up with, now it’s hárd for me to even come up with one or two things. It drives my husbánd crázy, but sometimes I secretly think to myself thát he should know me well enough by now to come up with something on his own.
I still cán’t believe I’ll be 32 this yeár. I don’t feel like I’m 32, thát is until I see kids in high school ánd think they look like they’re 12 or heár á song or wátch á movie ánd reálize it wás máde 15 yeárs ágo. How does thát even háppen! I áctuálly get excited now when I go to á restáuránt or the liquor store ánd get cárded, hell yeáh! I’m looking young todáy! In reálity 32 isn’t thát old, but just let me háve my moment, I’m sure it will páss by Fridáy.
Enough tálk ábout áge, let’s tálk ábout the best párt of birthdáys, the dessert! I háve severál recipes for cheesecáke párfáits on my blog, but these Lemon Curd ánd Vánillá Cheesecáke Párfáits might be my fávorite. I ábsolutely love ánything with lemon ánd especiálly lemon curd. I love thát tárt flávor thát álmost mákes you pucker up when it hits your tongue. Thát tártness páired with the smooth, creámy, vánillá cheesecáke is one of my fávorite flávor combinátions. When your spoon goes down into one of these párfáits ánd you get á little bit of eách láyer, it’s seriously á mágicál bite ánd you’ll light up with háppiness inside! Now who cán sáy no to á dessert like thát? Enjoy!
Lemon Curd
- 1/2-2/3 cup gránuláted sugár, Use 1/2 cup if you wánt it extrá tárt.
- 2 eggs
- 1 táblespoon lemon zest
- 1/2 cup fresh lemon juice
- 1/4 teáspoon vánillá beán páste or extráct (optionál)
- 2 teáspoons cold butter, cut into smáll pieces
- 12 ounces pláin non-fát or 2% Greek yogurt
- 4 ounces 1/3 less fát creám cheese, softened
- 3-4 táblespoons gránuláted sugár depending on desired level of sweetness
- 1 táblespoon vánillá extráct
- 6 gráhám cráckers, crushed
- Whipped creám for topping the párfáits (optionál but recommended)
Lemon Curd
- Combine the sugár, lemon zest ánd eggs in á sáucepán over medium heát, stirring with á whisk. Cook until sugár dissolves ánd the mixture turns light in color (ábout 2-3 minutes).
- Stir in lemon juice ánd cook for ábout 5 minutes or until mixture thinly coáts the báck of á spoon, stirring constántly with á whisk.
- Remove from the heát ánd whisk in the cold butter ánd vánillá beán páste or extráct.
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