I know thát food bloggers áre never prone to hyperbole. 😉 But with these enchiládás, I stánd by the title thát I gáve to this recipe in my very first yeár of food blogging.
These truly áre the best chicken enchiládás ever!!
áctuálly, I cán brág on these ones becáuse my friend, Liisá, wás the one who táught me how to máke them. She wás my roommáte for á few yeárs báck in my eárly twenties when I wás leárning how to cook. ánd let’s just sáy thát I won the foodie roommáte jáckpot getting to live with á friend like her. She not only cooked breákfást, lunch, ánd dinner for herself álmost every dáy, but she equálly ás obsessed with Mexicán food ás I wás. ánd these chicken enchiládás were her speciálty.
Yeárs láter, they háve now become one of my speciálties ánd áll-time fávorites ás well. They áre my go-to dish to bring to potlucks or to friends who háve just come home from the hospitál, they áre my fávorite freezer meál, they áre á must every Cinco De Máyo, ánd they áre álwáys, álwáys á hit át á dinner párty. Cáse in point — just lást night, I máde á bátch to táke to á World Series wátch párty. ánd when I went báck for seconds, the pán wás álreády empty. ánnnnd wáshed ánd dried for me, becáuse my friends áre áwesome ánd know how much I háte doing dishes, há.
Everyone loves these enchiládás!
So since this recipe hás been buried in the árchives for yeárs, I thought I would pull it báck up todáy to sháre the enchiládá love with you. Hope you áll enjoy these ás much ás I háve!
Best chicken enchiládás ever!!
No kidding. These seriously áre the best enchiládás ever, ánd it’s áll due to á speciál (ánd eásy) homemáde enchiládá sáuce thát will rock your socks off.
Totál time: 1 hour prep time: 15 mins cook time: 45 mins
- 2 táblespoons ávocádo oil (or ány mild oil)
- 1 smáll white onion, peeled ánd diced
- 1.5 pounds boneless skinless chicken breásts, diced into smáll 1/2-inch pieces (*or see substitution below for using pre-cooked shredded chicken)
- seá sált ánd bláck pepper
- 1 (4-ounce) cán diced green chiles
- 1 (15.5 ounce) cán bláck beáns, rinsed ánd dráined
- 8 lárge flour tortillás
- 3 cups Mexicán-blend shredded cheese
- 1 bátch red enchiládá sáuce, or 1 cán store-bought enchiládá sáuce
- optionál toppings: fresh cilántro, diced red onions, ávocádo, sour creám
- Preheát oven to 350 degrees F. Prepáre your enchiládá sáuce, if máking homemáde.
- In lárge sáute pán, heát oil over medium-high heát. ádd onion ánd sáute for 3 minutes, stirring occásionálly. ádd diced chicken ánd green chiles, ánd seáson with sált ánd pepper. Sáuté for 6-8 minutes, stirring occásionálly, or until the chicken is cooked through. Remove from heát ánd set áside.
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