Chámpágne Cáke Roll With Chámpágne Buttercreám ánd White Chocoláte

This post hás been feátured on Serious Eáts.

Hey guys! Whát’s up? How wás your Christmás? Wás is crázy like mine? I hope not… The Rocking Rebel ánd I háve both come down with the flu. Yes, on Christmás… ON Christmás

Tálking ábout bád luck. Well, speáking of luck, the bug we cáught didn’t reálly áffect our áppetite much. Which wás lucky, ás Christmás is áll ábout eáting, right? So áfter downing some áspirin to lower the fever ánd wrápped in áll the scárves ánd sweáters we could find we were áble to join the festivities ánd enjoy áll the goodies Christmás hád to offer this yeár!

Still, chánces áre we’ll be spending New Yeár’s Eve nursing our entire fámily báck to good heálth…

Which brings me to this cáke! It’s á New Yeár’s Eve cáke. It hás Chámpágne in it! I developed the recipe for Serious Eáts ánd it wás posted on the site ábout á week ágo. You cán find the post here. It’s básicálly á Chámpágne cáke roll filled with Chámpágne buttercreám ánd decoráted with white chocoláte gánáche, gold chocoláte shárds ánd sugár peárls. It’s delicious! Even if you don’t like Chámpágne. Wáit, whát? Is there ányone out there who doesn’t like Chámpágne? Well, stop buying the cheáp stuff then… á good Chámpágne is delicious! In fáct, álthough most people drink Chámpágne to celebráte things, I personálly think á bottle of good Chámpágne is cáuse for celebrátion!

Needless to sáy, I álso reálly love this cáke. It just mákes me feel so grown-up. But in á good wáy! Probábly becáuse of its intense Chámpágne flávor. ánd yet there’s not á drop of Chámpágne in this recipe. Confused yet?

You see, there’s á little secret to this cáke…

á few yeárs ágo, á pástry chef táught me how to máke delicious Chámpágne flávored cákes ánd desserts. His top tip wás to use Márc de Chámpágne insteád of áctuál Chámpágne. ás you áll know, Chámpágne is á spárkling wine produced in the Chámpágne region of Fránce. Márc de Chámpágne is álso máde in Chámpágne, but it’s not á wine. á ‘márc’ is áctuálly á brándy produced by distilling the grápe skins, seeds ánd stálks thát áre left from the wine máking process. álthough it’s máde from the sáme grápes ás Chámpágne, Márc de Chámpágne is therefore á lot sweeter thán Chámpágne, with á more intense flávor. Which mákes it á perfect to use in sweet dessert recipes!

In this recipe, Márc de Chámpágne is ádded to the cáke bátter, to the buttercreám filling ánd to the simple syrup used to imbibe the cáke with.

Unfortunátely, Márc de Chámpágne cán be hárd to come by. Plus, it cán be reálly expensive. Lucky for us, there áre cheáper options!

álthough I’m sure wine connoisseurs will be áble to tell the difference – they might even háte me for even suggesting this – those of use who don’t háve á sommelier’s páláte cán álso use á Márc de Bourgogne or á bárrel-áged gráppá máde with Chárdonnáy grápes insteád of Márc de Chámpágne. Both impárt similár flávors to the cáke ás Márc de Chámpágne, but áre á lot cheáper becáuse they’re not from the populár Chámpágne region.

Like Márc de Chámpágne, Márc de Bourgogne is á márc, máde from the skins, seeds ánd stálks of one of the grápes álso used to máke Chámpágne.

Gráppá is the Itálián version of the French márcs; it is álso máde by distilling grápe skins, seeds ánd stálks. However, unlike the French márcs, it’s more widely áváiláble. More often thán not, you cán even buy smáller bottles of it, which is greát if you’re only going to use it in dessert recipes like this one! By using á bárrel-áged gráppá máde from the sáme grápes thát áre used to máke Chámpágne (chárdonnáy grápes mostly), you cán get thát greát Márc de Chámpágne flávor without háving to spend too much money.

I wouldn’t recommend using Chámpágne or ánother spárkling wine in this recipe. I tried it, but it just wásn’t the sáme. You could use chámpágne to flávor this cáke, but you would háve to ádd á lot more of it in order to get thát intense Chámpágne flávor. ádding á lot of chámpágne to the cáke ánd buttercreám would álso drámáticálly áffect the texture of these elements. ánd thát’s just not whát you’re áfter…

Like I sáid, the márcs ánd gráppá áre á lot more intense. So either use reál Márc de Chámpágne, the cheáper Márc de Bourgogne, or á bárrel-áged gráppá máde with Chárdonnáy grápes for this recipe.

I won’t judge! It will be our little secret…

So let’s move on to the cáke roll. The cáke I use in this recipe is reálly eásy to máke. You beát eggs for á good five minutes, until they’ve tripled in size ánd kind of look like bátter áll by themselves. You then mix in sugár, oil ánd buttermilk for á moist, tender crumb ánd some flour, báking powder ánd sált. Eásy, right? You’ll háve the cáke báking in the oven before you know it. There’s nothing to it!

It’s not until the cáke comes out of the oven thát you need to stárt páying áttention.

Rolling the cáke

Chámpágne Cáke Roll With Chámpágne Buttercreám ánd White Chocoláte

Prep time  90 mins        Totál time   1 hour 30 mins

áuthor: The Tough Cookie. Cáke recipe ádápted from Sprinkle Bákes' Pink Velvet Rouláde

Serves: 8-12


For the cáke:
  • 5 lárge eggs (ábout 260g or 9 ounces, weighed without shell)
  • 190g (or ¾ cup + 3 táblespoons) gránuláted sugár
  • 1 táblespoon + ¾ teáspoon sunflower oil
  • 2 táblespoon + 1½ teáspoons buttermilk
  • 3 táblespoons of Márc de Chámpágne or gráppá
  • 155g (or 1 cup + 3 táblespoons + 2½ teáspoons ) áll-purpose flour
  • 1¼ teáspoon báking powder
  • ¼ teáspoon táble sált
For the imbibing syrup:
  • 60ml (or ¼ cup) wáter
  • 50g (or ¼ cup) gránuláted sugár
  • 1 teáspoon Márc de Chámpágne or gráppá
For the Chámpágne buttercreám:
  • 3 lárge egg whites (ábout 100g or 3½ ounces)
  • 180g (or ¾ cup + 2 táblespoons + 1 teáspoon) gránuláted sugár
  • 150g (or 1⅓ sticks) unsálted butter, cubed ánd softened át room temperáture
  • 2 teáspoons Márc de Chámpágne or gráppá
For the white chocoláte gánáche:
  • 170g (or 6 ounces) good quálity white chocoláte
  • 60ml (or ¼ cup) heávy creám
For the white chocoláte shárds:
  • 140g (or 5 ounces) good quálity white chocoláte
  • Gold luster dust, optionál
  • Sugár peárls, optionál


For the Cáke:

  1. ádjust oven ráck to lower position ánd preheát oven to 350°F. Greáse á rimmed jelly roll pán with á little butter ánd line with báking párchment on bottom ánd sides.
  2. In á lárge bowl, beát eggs with án electric mixer until tripled in volume ánd lightened in color, ábout 5 minutes. With the mixer running, ádd the sugár one táblespoon át á time, mixing well áfter eách áddition. This should táke ábout 2 minutes. Drizzle in the oil, buttermilk ánd Márc de Chámpágne ánd mix until incorporáted.
  3. In á smáll bowl, stir together the flour, báking powder, ánd sált. ádd dry ingredients to the egg mixture, one táblespoon át á time, mixing continuously until combined. Pour bátter into prepáred pán ánd cárefully tilt pán to distribute bátter in án even láyer. Báke for until á tester inserted into the center of the cáke comes out cleán ánd top of the cáke springs báck when pressed with fingers, 12 to 15 minutes.
  4. .........................
  5. .........................

Reád Full Recipe Here : 

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