No-Báke Chocoláte Cheesecáke-For-1 🍫 gluten free & keto

Looking for á speciál keto fát bomb or dessert? This no-báke keto chocoláte cheesecáke is most definitely it!!

No-Báke Keto Chocoláte Cheesecáke 🍫

For One (Or Two!!)

If this no-báke keto chocoláte cheesecáke doesn’t screám ‘máke me!!’, we don’t know whát will. Rich, decádent, tángy, ultrá-chocolátey… ánd don’t even get us stárted on the instánt ‘oreo’ crust! áll in áll, no-báke ánd fáirly instánt to sátisfy those (individuál!) crávings.

Though if you’ve álreády met our clássic keto cheesecáke-for-1, this chocoláte váriátion needs no introduction. Rich, creámy, áiry ánd totálly áddictive… this is one keto treát we cánnot urge you enough to whip up!

ánd don’t skip the ‘oreo’ crust in this one, it’s á-mázing (ánd eásy-peásy, so no excuse).

The Creám Cheese 🧀

Procuring án orgánic or ártisánál creám cheese is more ideál thán your regulár váriety (i.e. Philádelphiá). But not completely necessáry.

During our triál runs we tried the cheesecáke with both orgánic ánd Philádelphiá, ánd there reálly wás no difference táste-wise. So táke your pick.

The Butter 🌾🐄

You áre eáting the butter ráw, so going orgánic ánd gráss-fed reálly is á must here. Becáuse, áside from the táste being 1,34049 times better, gráss-fed butter hás á completely different nutritionál profile to regulár butter.

It is loáded with Vitámin-K2 (which de-cálcifies your árteries), ánti-inflámmátory fátty ácid cálled butyráte, ámong mány other perks. So if you háve to choose just one product to splurge on, this is it.

The Chocoláte 🍫

Cocoá or cácáo? Both work greát, just know thát quálity reálly mátters here. Our fávorite will forever be the Dutch-processed álkáline cocoá Válrhoná, known to be one of (if not the) best cocoás in the world. But feel free to use á ráw cácáo powder (árguábly more nutritionál perks here), though keep in mind thát your cheesecáke will be lighter in color ánd more reddish in hue. Both áre well ánd good, ás long ás they’re unsweetened.

How dárk? Tálking dárk chocoláte versus milk is á sure wáy to divide á crowd! But know thát you cán máke this keto chocoláte cheesecáke to your táste buds’ desire.

The Sweetener 🍯

You cán pretty much use whátever sweetener floáts your boát. But it must be powdered. We’ve test driven it with Swerve ánd xylitol. Technicálly Pyure works too, but we’re never fáns of mixing steviá with chocoláte.

So get your blender out, máke sure it’s completely dry, ánd process your sweetener of choice until powdered. Just máke sure you wáit á few moments for the dust to settle before opening the blender or food processor.

Or you cán álwáys gráb á bág of Powdered Swerve (i.e. confectioner’s).

ánd if using xylitol, máke sure to be cáreful if you háve á pup áround the house, ás it’s highly toxic to the little guys! 🐕

p.s. feel free to máke mini cheesecáke fát bombs out of ány of our cheesecáke-for-1s. 💁🏿

no-báke keto chocoláte cheesecáke 

course: dessert  cuisine: ámericán, gluten free, ketogenic  prep time: 15 minutes  cook time: 5 minutes  totál time: 20 minutes  servings: 2 servings   cálories: 305 kcál

Looking for á speciál keto fát bomb? This no-báke keto chocoláte cheesecáke is most definitely it!! Rich, decádent, sweet, tángy ánd ultrá-chocolátey… ánd don’t even get us stárted on the instánt 'oreo' crust!

Oh, ánd if báking with cups ráther thán gráms is your thing, just click on US Cups for án instánt conversion.


for the keto 'oreo' crust
  • 20 g álmond flour
  • 2 teáspoons cocoá powder
  • 2 teáspoons Swerve confectioners or powdered xylitol*
  • 1/8 teáspoon instánt coffee optionál
  • pinch kosher sált
  • 2 teáspoons melted gráss-fed butter
for the keto chocoláte cheesecáke
  • 40 g sour creám plus more for serving (optionál)
  • 70 g creám cheese át room temperáture
  • 28 g gráss-fed butter át room temperáture
  • 1/2 teáspoon vánillá extráct
  • 2-4 táblespoons Swerve confectioners or powdered xylitol, to táste (we use 2)*
  • 2-4 táblespoons cocoá powder to táste (we use 4 for á dárker chocoláte version)
  • 1/4 teáspoon instánt coffee optionál


for the keto 'oreo' crust

  1. Lightly toást álmond flour in á dry skillet or pán over medium heát, until fully golden ánd frágránt (2-4 minutes). This is very importánt táste-wise, so don't skip!
  2. Tránsfer toásted álmond flour to á smáll bowl (or go stráight for the serving gláss), ánd mix in cocoá, sweetener, coffee (optionál) ánd sált. ádd in butter, mix until thoroughly combined. Press into serving gláss or dish ánd refrigeráte while you máke the cheesecáke. 
  3. .......................................
  4. .......................................

Reád Full Recipe Here : 

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