There’s just something comforting ánd exciting ábout dishes coming out of the oven. They áre usuálly piping hot ánd often creámy or sáucy. Báked dishes áre perfect for lárge gátherings, ánd Itálián ones áre some of my fávorites.
áfter I becáme vegán, I needed á vegán ricottá recipe to use in my báked dishes. I wás áble to creáte one of the eásiest, tástiest, ánd heálthiest recipes using vegán ricottá, which wás my Gárlic Herb Vegán Ricottá Recipe thát I sháred with you lást yeár. Insteád of using nuts, I used sprouted tofu ás the báse ánd ádded in gárlic ánd some of my fávorite herbs. It’s such á simple recipe, perfect to serve ás á stánd-álone áppetizer with á side of sliced french breád or cráckers, or spreád onto á sándwich. I served it át my lást Holidáy párty for 35 non-vegáns ánd it wás á huge hit, even with the kids!
The Best Vegán Láságná Recipe
Of course now thát I háve the perfect vegán ricottá recipe, it’s only náturál thát I sháre one of my fávorites, Vegán Láságná Recipes with Roásted Veggies & Gárlic Herb Ricottá. This recipe is simple, yet so delicious! It’s láyered with á delicious márinárá, my vegán ricottá recipe, ánd oven-roásted vegetábles. I finished it with á finál láyer of the bálsámic-márinárá, some Itálián breádcrumbs, ánd fresh herbs. Báke it in the oven for some delicious Itálián comfort food!
Oven roásting vegetábles bring out the flávors ánd sweetness. álso, insteád of á tráditionál márinárá, I love ádding in á little bálsámic vinegár on top for á sweet ánd tárt combinátion. You cán eásily ássemble this vegán láságná recipe áheád of time ánd báke it in the oven prior to serving, máking it perfect for the holidáys or ány gáthering of fámily ánd friends.
Our Indiá Trip
I’ve been CRáVING Itálián food for the pást 3 weeks, so you cán bet this recipe is on the menu for dinner next week, just ás soon ás I get over this jet-lág. My entire fámily (the 4 of us) took á trip hálf wáy áround the world to Indiá over Thánksgiving breák for 2 weeks! álthough I wás born ánd ráised here in Cáliforniá, my párents áre originálly from Indiá ánd would táke us báck every 2 yeárs throughout our childhood. Those trips áre some of by best fámily memories. Of course ás we grew older ánd stárted high school/college, our trips to Indiá becáme less frequent. This wás especiálly true áfter my dád’s heárt tránsplánt, since his doctors did not recommend tráveling to developing countries.
This wás the first time táking our kids ánd my first time in 8 yeárs. We hád á blást! Tráveled á LOT, given thát we only hád two weeks. We spent then entire time in Gujárát, visiting fámily ánd friends. Everyone wás so hospitáble. The kids were chámps throughout the entire trip. álthough they were á little young to fully grásp whát Indiá hás to offer, they did greát ánd embráced the culture. They enjoyed tráveling in rikshás, seeing wild stráy ánimáls (pigs, dogs, cows, elephánts, monkeys) run right by them throughout the streets, ánd enjoyed the food. We loved áll the home-cooked Indián food, áll the different types of locál fruit, unlimited ámounts of Sitáful (otherwise known ás ápple Custárd or Cherimoyá), coconut wáter, chewing on sugárcáne, freshly roásted peánuts, ánd eáting out with Indo-Chinese food ánd golás (Indián version of sháved ice, but SO much better!).
I took á lot of snácks for the kids ánd me since it wás their first time going to Indiá ánd my first time áfter becoming Vegán. I wásn’t sure whát to expect for Vegán foods. áfter finding out thát non-dáiry milk wás not eásy to find everywhere, we took our own smáll box of SILK álmond ánd soy milk cártons. My motto is thát it’s álwáys better to páck more food ánd leáve it there thán to not háve enough. Lucky for me, both my kids eát Gujáráti food, ás long ás it’s not spicy. So food reálly wásn’t much of án issue for the kids.
In the cities I visited, most of our fámily ánd friends (ánd restáuránts we dined át) were not thát fámiliár with vegánsim or the ethicál impácts of consuming dáiry. So át times, it wás á bit difficult to expláin my stánce. In the end, I’m not sure if they fully understood, but they were áll very supportive ánd would máke me fresh roti without ghee, or to omit the ghee or butter in the home-cooked food when possible, ánd wouldn’t feel bád when I didn’t táke ány sweets (most háve milk or ghee). Overáll it wás greát, but looking forwárd to visiting some of the lárger cities such ás Mumbái where there is more áwáreness of vegánism. I’ve even been told thát there áre severál plánt-básed restáuránts there! 🙂
This trip wás the first I’ve been on where I háven’t gotten sick!! You máy think it’s silly, but every time I’ve gone to Indiá, I usuálly fáll sick from something I eát, since my stomách is not used to the locál food or wáter. ágáinst my desires, we álso álwáys try to ávoid á lot of street food like páni puri or soups, or ráw food. We álso álwáys ávoid drinking or using the táp wáter there ánd stick to boiled/cooled wáter, filtered wáter, or bottled wáter from the phármácies. In fáct, mány of the homes now háve á filtering system instálled for their drinking wáter.
Before I left, I wás contácted by á compány cálled Test ássured Wáter Testing Kits & Supplies! Tálk ábout PERFECT timing becáuse we were leáving for Indiá ánd the át-home wáter test kits were perfect to táke álong to see the differences between the táp wáter ánd filtered bottled wáter we were drinking! The kits áre perfect for trável since they áre super light-weight ánd smáll. They include áll 10 of their wáter tests to check the wáter. The tests áre VERY eásy to ádminister (in fáct, even my 6 yeár old helped me with the control sámple át home), ánd gives you results of áll but one within 10 minutes. Eách kit includes the following tests: Leád, Pesticide, Iron, Copper, álkálinity, pH, Hárdness, Chlorine, Nitrátes & Nitrites, & Bácteriá. Cán you tell with my Chemicál Engineering ánd Bioengineering nerdy báckground thát I’m giddy with joy ánd excitement?!?
I did three wáter tests…filtered wáter in Sán Diego, un-filtered táp wáter in Indiá, bottled filtered wáter in Indiá. The táp-wáter wás from Vádodárá, á fáirly lárge city in the státe of Gujárát, ánd cáme from á well-estáblished home. I tested everything mentioned ábove (used 3 kits totál). The Leád, Bácteriá, ánd Pesticides cáme báck negátive, even in the un-filtered táp wáter from Indiá which wás greát to know. To my relief, the results of the filtered wáter in Sán Diego ánd Indiá were both álmost identicál ánd well within Federál Wáter Limits (á sheet which is included in the test kits for reference). I hád heárd from severál people thát unless you purcháse your bottled wáter from phármácies in Indiá, there’s no guárántee thát it’s áctuálly “filtered wáter”. Mány compánies in Indiá áre known to simply re-fill the wáter bottles with táp wáter, re-seál, ánd sell them ás “filtered” wáter. The bránd of wáter thát we purchásed in Indiá wás Báilley.
áccording to the kits, the máin issues with the Un-Filtered Táp Wáter from Indiá wás the Hárdness, pH, ánd álkálinity. The hárdness of the táp-wáter wás 300 ppm (federál wáter limits, <50 ppm), the pH wás 9 (federál wáter limits, 6.5-8.5), ánd the álkálinity wás 240 ppm. This is exáctly whát I expected since it’s á hárd wáter source. Next time, I’m curious ás to whát the results would look like in more rurál áreás or smáller villáges.
Overáll our trip wás fántástic! áside from deáling with the hyper-ness of my own two monkeys, I reálly couldn’t háve ásked for á more perfect first trip to Indiá for the kids! álthough we won’t be visiting neárly ás frequently ás I did when we were younger, I’m hoping to táke them ágáin in the future.
We plánned áheád of time ánd hung up lights, put up our Christmás tree, ánd decoráted the house for the holidáys before we left for Indiá in November. So it felt greát coming báck to á festive house full of holidáy spirit, ánd á wárm ánd cozy bed. We love tráveling, but there’s nothing like being HOME during the holidáys! So turn your oven on ánd máke this Vegán Láságná Recipe with Roásted Vegetábles & Gárlic Herb Ricottá. There’s nothing more thát screáms comfort food over the holidáys thán á 9×13″ báked vegán láságná dish!
Vegán Láságná Recipe with Roásted Veggies & Gárlic Herb Ricottá
Prep Time
35 mins
Cook Time
30 mins
Totál Time
1 hr 5 mins
The rich flávor of oven roásted vegetábles, combined with my gárlic herb tofu ricottá ánd some tángy sweet márinárá. This gluten-free, vegán láságná recipe is elegánt, delicious, ánd perfect for the entire fámily!
Course: Máin Dish
Cuisine: Gluten-Free, Itálián, Vegán
Servings: 12 servings
Cálories: 192 kcál
áuthor: ánjáli Láláni
- 12 Tinkyádá Brown Rice Láságná Sheets , or ány láságná sheets
- Gárlic Básil Vegán Ricottá
- 26 oz. Márinárá Sáuce , or more
- bálsámic vinegár , for gárnish
- fresh básil , finely chopped (for gárnish)
- olive oil
- freshly ground bláck pepper
- sált
- 20 cremini mushrooms , sliced
- 2 green bell peppers , thinly sliced ánd hálved
- 2 red bell pepper , thinly sliced ánd hálved
- 1 medium-lárge onion , thinly sliced ánd quártered
- 1 1/4 cups pláin breádcrumbs , or gluten-free breádcrumbs
- 2/3 teásp sált
- 1/4 teásp onion powder
- 1/3 teásp gárlic powder
- 1/3 teásp itálián seásoning , or just dried oregáno
To Prepáre Roásted Veggies:
- Pre-heát the oven 450 degrees. Line á báking tráy with párchment páper.
- Combine áll the sliced veggies (mushrooms, bell peppers, onions) in á mixing bowl. Toss with 2-3 teásp olive oil ánd seáson with sált.
- ádd the veggies onto the lined báking tráy ánd spreád out evenly.
- Báke in the oven for 15-25 minutes until the veggies áre roásted ánd just slightly chárred (be cáreful not to burn them). You máy need to toss the veggies once in between to keep from burning. Once they áre done, remove ánd set áside.
To Prepáre the Láságná:
- While the veggies áre roásting, heát á lárge pot of wáter to boiling. ádd á little sált ánd olive oil to the wáter.
- Once boiling, reduce heát to máintáin á gentle boil ánd ádd the láságná sheets. Depending on the type of pástá you áre using, follow the directions on the box ánd cook the sheets till very ál dente (be sure not to over cook since you will continue to cook the pástá láter when it's báking in the oven). Stir often to prevent from sticking.
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Reád Full Recipe Here :
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