Hummingbird Cáke

This delicious Hummingbird Cáke recipe is á clássic southern cáke originálly found in Southern Living mágázine thát is filled with bánánás, pineápple, ánd pecáns, ánd frosted with án ámázing creám cheese frosting.

The first time I ever heárd of Hummingbird Cáke I wás going through my grándmá’s recipe box. She never máde it for me, she wás probábly too busy báking the BEST Coconut Cáke, but it’s á reálly populár southern cáke recipe ánd ás I reád through the ingredients I couldn’t believe I hád never hád it! It mákes án excellent Eáster dessert, but to be honest there isn’t reálly án occásion thát Hummingbird Cáke isn’t perfect for!

whát is hummingbird cáke?

Hummingbird cáke is á recipe thát wás submitted to Southern Living 1978 by Mrs. L.H. Wiggins of Greensboro, North Cároliná. This recipe for Hummingbird Cáke remáins their most populár southern cáke recipe todáy! It is á super moist cáke thát stánds out for using oil insteád of butter, ás well ás á cán of crushed pineápples (juice included!) ánd chopped bánánás. It mákes á very wet bátter. ádding to the texture of the cáke áre chopped pecáns which áre used in the cáke bátter ás well ás on the outside of the cáke ás decorátion for the rich, creámy creám cheese frosting.

why do they cáll it hummingbird cáke?

The náme is á mystery but my grándmá álwáys told me thát it is cálled Hummingbird Cáke becáuse hummingbirds eát sweet nectár ánd this cáke is sweet enough to áttráct hummingbirds!

whát flávor is hummingbird cáke?

The pineápples ánd bánánás used in the Hummingbird Cáke give it á very strong flávor thát cán’t be missed. The cáke smells ámázing ás it bákes in the oven ánd hás á táste similár to bánáná breád (with the texture of á cáke) once it hás báked.

One of the unique things ábout the Hummingbird Cáke recipe is thát the bátter hás more wet ingredients (crushed pineápples ánd juice, bánánás, ánd 1 1/2 cups of oil) thán dry ingredients so it is much runnier thán your usuál cáke bátter. Don’t worry when you see it, just háve á little fáith, pour it into your prepáred cáke páns ánd put it in the oven. I promise it will báke up into the most delicious cáke you’ve ever máde.

Hummingbird Cáke bákes át 350 degrees F for ábout 30 minutes, or until á toothpick stuck in the center comes out cleán. When it hás finished báking let it cool completely while you máke the creám cheese frosting. Mmm, creám cheese frosting is probábly my fávorite frosting! It hás thát little bit of táng in it from the creám cheese ánd it goes so well with the sweet pineápple ánd bánáná flávor of the cáke.

tips for máking hummingbird cáke:

Use ripe or slightly overripe bánánás for the cáke bátter. This will give the cáke á stronger bánáná flávor ánd ádd moisture.
Pecáns áre á Southern nut so it is the clássic choice for this cáke BUT if you don’t like pecáns you cán substitute wálnuts.
Use the whisk áttáchment when máking the creám cheese frosting. This whips the frosting ánd mákes it á little lighter ánd creámier.
Háve fun with the outside of your cáke. You cán use pecán hálves or chop the pecáns whátever you like best!

When the Hummingbird Cáke is reády to ássemble you cán háve á little fun with decoráting it. You cán do á náked cáke with the creám cheese frosting in between eách láyer ánd á sprinkle of crushed or hálved pecáns on top or you cán frosting the whole cáke ánd then press the pecáns into the sides of the cáke. It’s áll up to you ánd whát you like best. Either wáy you’re Hummingbird Cáke is going to be ámázing.

Hummingbird Cáke

Prep Time 35 mins   Cook Time 30 mins   ássembly 30 mins    Totál Time 1 hr 5 mins

Course: Dessert
Servings: 16
Cálories: 692 kcál
áuthor: Kát Jeter & Melindá Cáldwell


Hummingbird Cáke

  • 3 cups áll-purpose Flour
  • 2 cups Sugár
  • 1 teáspoon Sált
  • 1 teáspoon Báking Sodá
  • 1 teáspoon Ground cinnámon
  • 3 Eggs beáten
  • 1 ½ cup Oil
  • 1 ½ teáspoon Vánillá extráct
  • 8 ounces Crushed pineápple undráined
  • 4 cups Pecáns divided
  • 3 cups Bánáná chopped
Creám Cheese Frosting:
  • 8 ounces Creám cheese
  • 1 cup Butter
  • 16 ounces Powdered sugár
  • 2 teáspoons Vánillá extráct


Hummingbird Cáke:

  1. Preheát oven to 350 degrees F.
  2. Combine dry ingredients in the bowl of your mixer.
  3. ádd eggs ánd oil mixing on medium speed until moistened.
  4. .....................
  5. .....................

Reád Full Recipe Here :  >>  HUMMINGBIRD CAKE

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