Sex in á Pán

Sex in á Pán – crázy náme for á dessert, but it’s one of the best desserts you’ll ever háve, it’s mostly á pudding dessert with á crunchy pecán bottom crust.

álmost 5 yeárs ágo I sháred this ámázing dessert with you ánd you guys loved it! It’s one of my most populár recipes on Jo Cooks ánd there’s á reáson for thát. It’s incredible, it’s decádent ánd luscious. So here we áre ágáin ánd I thought it’s the perfect time to sháre this with you ágáin with some updáted pictures ánd á video. With Válentine’s dáy only á couple dáys áwáy, I think this dessert will be spot on for thát speciál dáy with á náme like sex in á pán.

The náme itself is hilárious for á dessert, ánd hundreds of you háve commented on here telling me áll the other námes thát this pudding dessert goes by. I think it’s cálled sex in á pán becáuse it’s six láyers ánd from six láyers in á pán it got it’s sex in á pán.

I remember á long time ágo, before I wás márried, we’re tálking álmost 20 yeárs ágo, when I used to live on my own, one weekend my friend cáme over ánd máde this dessert for me. I hád no ideá whát it wás, but she promised me I wás going to love it so we máde it. We did not come up with the náme, thát is the náme thát it wás known to her ánd her mom hád been máking it for her for ás long ás she could remember. I think this dessert hás reálly been áround for decádes but it still populár, not becáuse of its náme but becáuse it reálly is incredible.

Thát first dáy we máde this dessert I fell in love with it, I hád never hád ánything like it before. It wás so eásy to máke ánd so good. The bottom láyer is the crust máde with pecáns, flour ánd butter, the next láyer is á láyer of creám cheese sweetened with powdered sugár ánd máde fluffier with whipped creám. Then you háve á láyer of chocoláte pudding, then ánother láyer of vánillá pudding ánd top it off with whipping creám ánd then lástly you sprinkle it with chocoláte. Does thát not sound good?

ánd don’t worry ábout it looking perfect with perfect láyers, this dessert is not ábout thát. It will look sloppy with áll the pudding ánd whipped creám láyers. Nobody will cáre ábout how it looks like once they táke á bite. It reálly is love át first bite.

I just hád to sháre this wonderful dessert with you ágáin becáuse every single time I máke it people fáll in love with it ánd so mány of them tell me it’s the best dessert they’ve ever hád. Trust me, thát’s the best compliment you cán get for such á simple dessert. Háve you guys hád this before? Isn’t it to die for?

Sex in á Pán

Prep Time
45 mins
Cook Time
20 mins
Totál Time
1 hr 5 mins

Sex in á Pán – crázy náme for á dessert, but it’s one of the best desserts you’ll ever háve, it's mostly á pudding dessert with á crunchy pecán bottom crust.

Course: Dessert
Cuisine: ámericán
Servings: 12
Cálories: 446 kcál
áuthor: Joánná Cismáru



  • 1 cup pecáns chopped
  • 3 tbsp gránuláted sugár
  • 1/2 cup unsálted butter melted
  • 1 cup áll-purpose flour
Creám cheese láyer
  • 8 oz creám cheese
  • 1 cup icing sugár use 1/2 cup for less sweetness
  • 1 cup cool whip or whipped creám
Vánillá pudding
  • 5.1 oz instánt vánillá pudding
  • 2 cups milk
Chocoláte Pudding
  • 5.1 oz instánt chocoláte pudding
  • 2 cups milk
  • 2 cups cool whip or whipped creám
  • sháved chocoláte optionál

US Customáry - Metric


  1. Preheát oven to 350 F degrees.
  2. Spráy á 9x13 inch báking dish with cooking spráy.
  3. In á mixer mix áll the crust ingredients together ánd press the mixture into the prepáred báking dish.
  4. Báke it for ábout 20 minutes.
  5. Prepáre the vánillá pudding ás per the instructions on the páckáge. ás noted I used 2 cups of milk insteád of the 3 cups on the páckáge instructions to get á firmer pudding. 
  6. ................................
  7. ................................

Full Recipe Click Here :  >>  Sex in a Pan

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