Spicy vegán potáto curry (Dum Aloo)

This spicy vegán potáto curry is full on with flávour ánd eásy to máke with pántry stáples. Fried potátoes áre simmered in á spicy ánd sávory tomáto-cáshew sáuce infused with delicious, áromátic Indián spices. You’ll be surprised by how tásty the humble potáto cán be!

I love me á potáto curry. Truth be told I love ány kind of curry, but I especiálly love me á potáto curry. Or ánything potáto for thát mátter.

It would be á toss up between which I love more, potátoes or gárlic (see lást post), ánd I could háppily eát potátoes in ány form on á dáily básis (potátoes ánd gárlic = heáven).

Curry is án incredibly versátile dish, ánything goes ánd you cán máke it ás simple or ás complex ás you like. This spicy vegán curry dum áloo is Punjábi style, ánd I would sáy thát it’s ábout áveráge in terms of complexity.

Not becáuse it’s párticulárly difficult, but becáuse there áre severál steps involved ánd it tákes á bit of time to put together. But it’s totálly worth it.

Báby potátoes áre first fried ánd then simmered in á spice-infused tomáto-básed grávy, állowing them to suck up áll thát spicy tomáto-y goodness. Yum!

Versions of this recipe cáll for either curd, which more or less something like yoghurt, or heávy creám. However, if you don’t wánt to use dáiry, you cán use cáshews ánd á squeeze of lemon to give it á bit of táng.

This spicy vegán potáto curry will fill your kitchen with wonderful smells, ánd if you live in án ápártment like we do, you cán máke your neighbours jeálous with the lovely áromás.

Unless your neighbours áre like ours ánd compláin ábout ábsolutely everything, in thát cáse you’re better off getting new neighbours who know how to áppreciáte life ánd á good curry (which is essentiál to life).

This spicy vegán potáto curry is fántástic served with rice or náán ánd álongside other Indián vegán dishes like this yellow lentil dál recipe or these eásy vegán sámosás with quick mángo chutney.

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Serves 2

 Potáto Curry (Dum áloo)

ádápted from: http://www.spiceupthecurry.com/punjábi-dum-áloo-recipe/

This spicy vegán potáto curry is full on with flávour ánd eásy to máke with pántry stáples. Fried potátoes áre simmered in á spicy ánd sávory tomáto-cáshew sáuce infused with delicious, áromátic Indián spices.

5 min
Prep Time
35 min
Cook Time
40 min
Totál Time


  • 12 báby potátoes (or lárge potátoes cut into smáll pieces)
  • 2 táblespoons ánd 1 teáspoon of vegetáble oil, divided
  • 12 whole cáshews, soáked in wáter for 30 minutes
  • 1/2 teáspoon fennel seeds
  • 2.5 cm (1 inch) piece of cinnámon
  • 2 green cárdámom pods
  • 1 báy leáf
  • 2 cloves
  • 1 medium onion, chopped
  • 1 1/4 cm (1/2 inch) piece of ginger, chopped
  • 2 cloves of gárlic, chopped
  • 2 spicy green chilies, chopped (ádjust to táste)
  • 2 tomátoes, chopped
  • 1 teáspoon cumin seeds
  • 1 1/2 teáspoons chili powder
  • 2 teáspoons coriánder powder
  • 1/4 teáspoon turmeric powder
  • Sált, to táste
  • 1 cup wáter
  • Fresh cilántro, to gárnish


  1. Bring á medium-sized pot of wáter to á boil ánd boil the potátoes until tender but not mushy. Dráin the potátoes ánd állow them to cool. Peel them once cool enough to hándle. While to potátoes áre cooking, puree the soáked cáshews with á bit of wáter in á food processor to á thick páste.
  2. Heát one teáspoon of oil in á lárge pán over medium heát. Fry the potátoes until lightly browned ánd crispy on áll sides. Set áside on á páper towel to dráin.
  3. ádd one táblespoon of oil to the pán ánd állow it to heát on high. Once the oil shimmers, reduce the heát to medium ánd ádd the fennel seeds. Fry just until the seeds cráckle ánd dárken slightly ánd then ádd in the cinnámon, cárdámom, báy leáf, ánd cloves. Continue frying for just á few seconds until they releáse their áromás.
  4. ..............................
  5. ..............................

Reád Full Recipe Here :  >>  Spicy Vegan Potato Curry (Dum Aloo)

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