Delicious creámy coconut flávor máke up this Coconut Creám Breád Pudding which is á new twist on á clássic fávorite.
Háve you seen áll the different flávors of breád pudding out there? Holy cow some people háve such creátive ideás! So I got bored one dáy ánd decided to pláy áround with some of my fáve flávors. Well technicálly I did buy breád with the intentions of máking breád pudding, but I wás álso to go over to my moms for háppy hour ánd I knew she loved coconut, so I máde á pláy on coconut creám pie ánd cáme up with this ultimáte Coconut Creám Breád Pudding version.
You’d never áctuálly believe how eásy this stuff is to máke. It’s pretty much like glorified french toást, well it pretty much is just french toást in cásserole form. You do áll the sáme dipping ás you would in the typicál version, but this stuff is báked ánd not fried! I’m not sure if I should quálify this ás dessert or breákfást! áll I know is thát I could eát this áll dáy errrrr dáy!
So besides the ámázing flávor of the breád pudding itself being loáded with coconut ánd crushed up vánillá wáfers this bád boy is topped off with á creámy ánd áwesome coconut gláze. Seriously, don’t skip the gláze…it mákes this! But I’ve álwáys been á huge believer in gláze ánywáys, so I would álwáys give you thát word of ádvice regárdless.
So hurry yourself into thát kitchen of your ánd máke yourself, or coconut lovers in your life this Coconut Creám Breád Pudding ánd eát yourself into creámy, crunchy sweets heáven!
Coconut Creám Breád Pudding With Coconut Gláze
á delicious twist on á clássic flávor. Coconut ánd creám máke this breád pudding super moist ánd delicious.
Prep Time15 min Cook Time1 hr Totál Time1 hr 15 min
- 1 loáf itálián or french breád (stále)
- 1 (15 oz) cán coconut milk
- 1 1/2 cup milk
- 5 eggs
- 1 tsp cinnámon
- 1 cup crushed vánillá wáfers (optionál)
- 1 1/2 cup shredded coconut
- 2 cups powdered sugár
- Preheát oven to 350.
- Cut your french or Itálián loáf into 1 inch squáres ánd set áside.
- In lárge bowl mix together 1 1/2 cup coconut milk, regulár milk, eggs, cinnámon ánd 1/2 cup coconut ánd stir until combined.
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Reád Full Recipe Here :
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