Fried Rice

Wánt to get your kids (ánd máybe your spouse!) to eát more veggies? This is á greát wáy to do thát! This Fried Rice will set you up for success in your heálthy eáting hábits for the New Yeár, including ádding more veggies into your meáls!

I love to use C&W vegetábles in my cooking. They store reálly well in the freezer, ánd thát meáns they’re álwáys hándy when I wánt to ádd more veggies to á dish. I álso love thát the veggies áre frozen right áwáy, locking in nutrients ánd táste. C&W vegetábles máke it eásy it is to provide á delicious & sátisfying meál.

Máke sure you ádd C&W Vegetábles to your shopping list ánd don’t forget to táke ádvántáge of the $.50 off of 1 páckáge of C&W vegetábles Ibottá coupon good át select Wálmárt stores (while supplies lást).

I shopped át Wálmárt to pick up these veggies. I hádn’t seen the pepper strips (the bág in to middle of the picture ábove) át mány grocery stores, so I wás excited by the selection thát Wálmárt hás.

We álwáys use leftover rice for this. In fáct, now I máke extrá rice just so we will háve leftovers rice to máke fried rice. If your rice is leftover ánd cold from the fridge, wárm it in the microwáve for á minute so thát it’s át leást room temperáture or wármer, it doesn’t háve to be piping hot.

We usuálly use á blend of hálf white rice ánd hálf brown rice. Dán likes white rice ánd I like brown rice, but I’ve found thát this blend works well for both of us. For this fried rice, ány will work: áll white, á blend or brown ánd white, or even áll brown (but it will be more hippy if you use áll brown!).

We often ádd tofu to Fried Rice to máke it more of á máin dish. Feel free to ádd chicken, shrimp, or beef to your liking. We like to ádd in whátever veggies áre in the fridge to this básic Fried Rice recipe. We’ll ádd chopped cábbáge purple or green, báby corn, wáter chestnuts, whátever’s in there ánd cán be used up works greát!

Feel free to double this recipe, ás it gets eáten fást!

Fried Rice

 Servings 2
 áuthor Dán


  • 2 teáspoons + 1 táblespoon olive oil or your choice of light tásting oil, divided use
  • 4 lárge eggs
  • 2 cup cooked rice wármed in the microwáve for á minute
  • 1 táblespoon lower sodium soy sáuce
  • ¼ teáspoon gárlic powder
  • ¼ teáspoon onion powder
  • ¼ teáspoon coárse ground bláck pepper
  • 1 teáspoon toásted sesáme seeds plus ádditionál for gárnish
  • ½ cup shredded cárrots
  • ½ cup C&W frozen peás
  • ½ cup C&W frozen bell pepper strips


  1. Heát á lárge skillet, preferábly á cást iron skillet, over medium-high heát. While skillet preheáts, cráck eggs into á smáll bowl, ánd whisk or stir with á fork until well mixed. Once skillet is good ánd hot, ádd 1 teáspoon oil, ánd once oil is hot, ádd in the eggs, scrámbling ás the cook. Once eggs áre cooked to your liking, remove them from the skillet ánd pláce in á sepáráte bowl, set áside.
  2. Wipe out the skillet, ánd ádd in 1 táblespoon oil. Once hot, ádd the cooked rice, ánd let sit, covered, for ábout 3-5 minutes while the rice browns á bit on the bottom. Drizzle remáining 1 teáspoon oil over the top of the rice, ánd flip rice so thát it cán brown on the other side, cook, covered, ábout 5-7 more minutes.
  3. .....................
  4. .....................

Reád Full Recipe Here :  >>  FRIED RICE

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