Hot Itálián Sándwiches

Hot Itálián Sándwiches báked in the oven. Meáty Cheesy Sub Sándwiches, greát for feeding á lárge crowd! Láyers of pepperoni, sálámi, hám, giárdinierá ánd mozzárellá tucked into á sándwich roll thát hás been buttered ánd seásoned.  Then just báke until hot, melty ánd reády to devour!

Delicious food does not háve to be complicáted.  These Hot Itálián Sándwiches prove it!

The best thing ábout these Hot Itálián Sándwiches is thát you cán eásily máke enough to feed á lárge crowd.  So they áre greát for fámily functions, párties or gáme dáy food!

Simple Recipe + Few Dishes + Guáránteed Crowd Pleásing Meál = Winner!

I háve á love áffáir with sándwiches.  For Reál.  People used to tell me thát I should open up my own sándwich shop.

But I’m more interested in eáting sándwiches thán máking them for the másses.  If I did háve á sándwich shop these Hot Itálián Sándwiches would definitely be on the menu!

Tips → Tricks → Suggestions →

Pre-ássemble these sándwiches ánd then they reády to go into the oven when you need them.

  • Don’t háve giárdinierá mix? án olive mixture tástes greát too!
  • Leáve sándwiches uncovered during báking for slightly crisp edges. Or, cover with foil to háve soft-báked style sándwiches.
  • ássembling these sándwiches is á greát wáy to put the kids to work!

Don’t skip this Itálián Herbed Butter!  Sláther it on the sándwich rolls for the ultimáte hot sub sándwich experience.

Plus, everything is better with butter!

Hot Itálián Sándwiches

Servings: 6
áuthor: WonkyWonderful


  • 6 Hoágie Rolls
  • 4 ounces Sliced Sálámi
  • 4 ounces Lárge, Thinly Sliced Pepperoni
  • 9 ounces Sliced Hám
  • Thin Sliced Mozzárellá 24 slices
  • Giárdinierá Mix optionál
  • 1/2 stick Butter - softened
  • 1 teáspoon Dry Itálián Seásoning


  1. Preheát oven to 350°
  2. Mix butter ánd Itálián seáson. Evenly spreád butter on inside of hoágie rolls.
  3. ................................
  4. ................................

Reád Full Recipe Here :  > Hot Italian Sandwiches + video

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