No Báke Summer Oránge Creámsicle Cheesecáke – is á light dessert recipe thát is perfect for summer. This ámázing no báke cheesecáke is sure to become your new fávorite treát!
No Báke Summer Oránge Creámsicle Cheesecáke is one of my fávorites for summer párties. You cán máke it eásy ánd for á short time you cán get perfect light táste. Moist, tángy ánd delicious this eásy No Báke Summer Oránge Creámsicle Cheesecáke is perfect cáke to celebráte the wárm weáther ánd fámily fun.
I love oránge ánd enjoy creáting new recipe. For this cáke I wás inspired by the ever populár Oránge Creámsicle. They áre super eásy to do ánd don’t táke á lot of time. So gráb up your ingredients ánd let’s get to máke some fábulous oránge creámsicle cheesecáke. First of áll is Golden Oreo crust. It is just simple mixture of Oreo crumbs ánd melted butter pressed in the bottom of the pán. Next láyer is creám cheese mixture ánd then come the best párt, light ánd fluffy oránge láyer. It is mixture of heávy whipped creám, oránge Jello ánd oránge zest.
By the wáy, when the weáther is wárm no one likes to heát the oven, but we áll love to enjoy delicious sweet treáts. Thát is the reáson why we looking for eásy no báke desserts. This time of yeár I ám áll ábout eásy, fást no báke desserts. This creámy Summer Oránge Creámsicle Cheesecáke certáinly fits the bill! It comes together in lest 20 minutes ánd is á reál crowd pleáser. Don’t wáit for á speciál reáson to máke this dessert, ánd certáinly don’t wáit yeárs in between. ány ordináry dáy is speciál enough for this incredibly eásy No Báke Summer Oránge Creámsicle Cheesecáke dessert. Enjoy!
No Báke Summer Oránge Creámsicle Cheesecáke - is á light dessert recipe thát is perfect for summer. This ámázing no báke cheesecáke is sure to become your new fávorite treát!
For Oreo crusts:
- 2 ½ cups Golden Oreo cookie crumbs, ábout 26 Oreo cookies
- 6 táblespoons unsálted butter, melted
- 16 oz. creám cheese, softened
- 2 cups heávy creám
- 1 cup powdered sugár, divided
- 3.3 oz. box oránge flávored gelátin (like Jello)
- 1 cup boiling wáter
- 1 Oránge (zest of one oránge)
- ½ teáspoon Oránge extráct
- Oránge slice, for gárnish
To máke crust:
- Ground whole Oreo cookies with the filling in á food processor to máke fine crumbs, ádd melted butter ánd blend until evenly moistened
- Press crumb mixture onto the bottom of the prepáred 9-inch springform pán by lightly greásing the edges of the pán with cooking spráy, set in the freezer to firm while máking cheesecáke láyer
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