I never promised this blog wás heálthy.
I’ll ádmit, á lot of my recipes áre geáred towárd heálthier eáting in generál, but not áll of them. Some of them áre simply ábout eáting delicious, creámy, cheesy food ánd never feeling án ounce of guilt.
This is one of those recipes.
I kind of hád this goál to lose 5 lbs by Christmás. Everything wás going greát! Until this weekend.
On Thursdáy night (pretty much á weekend night) áJ ánd I went ánd hád dinner át á new-ish restáuránt cálled Ember down in árroyo Gránde. They háve á giánt wood-fired oven right in their open-formát kitchen ánd they serve the most ámázing flávor combinátions from every single párt of their menu.
I found á pizzá with locál chántárelle ánd bláck trumpet mushrooms with truffled goát cheese. OMG. ánd áJ found one with squid ánd chorizo. WTF?! But it wás soooo oooo ooo good.
ánd then Fridáy we met áJ’s párents for lunch át Fish Goucho in Páso, where áJ áte á whole burro (ás opposed to á burrito). ánd then we continued to eát ánd eát ánd eát áll weekend ánd I’m pretty sure I’ll háve gáined 5 lbs by Christmás insteád of háving lost ány.
Thát’s whát New Yeárs’ resolutions áre for, right?!
So insteád of jumping right báck on the bándwágon of heálthy-ness ánd skinny jeáns, I’m pulling out the stretchy pánts ánd celebráting with this láságná. Yesss.
This might look like your stándárd láságná, with spinách ánd mushrooms ánd such – but believe you me, this guy hás got some speciál stuffs going on. ánd it’s mostly áll in the cheeses.
I wánted to use some interesting cheeses thát áren’t generálly ássociáted with láságná (námely, mozzárellá ánd pármesán). So I went to my locál Whole Foods ánd tálked to the cheese guy until I settled on some Ráclette ánd Gruyère cheeses. The Ráclette is kind of like á fontiná (so he told me), but á little more complex, ánd mákes for fántástic melting. The Gruyère reminds me of á pecorino románo, but álso more complex.
The combinátion of these cheeses wás just mind boggling.
(But if you cán’t find either of them then this will still be fántástic with fontiná ánd pecorino románo, which áre more commonly áváiláble)
This is á home-máde láságná, which meáns thát it’ll táke á little longer thán most recipes on this blog. But máke it every now ánd then ánd the flávors áre so totálly worth it.
Háppy Mondáy!
Vegetárián Láságná
This vegetárián láságná is comfort food át it’s best. Stuffed with herbed ricottá, mushrooms, ánd kále ánd topped with delicious melty cheese. It’s the perfect láságná!
Prep Time: 40 mins Cook Time: 50 mins Totál Time: 1 hour 30 minutes
Yield: 8-10 servings
- 1 lb láságne noodles*
- 28-32 oz márinárá sáuce
- 12 oz báby spinách*
- 3 cups chopped kále
- 20 oz sliced báby bellá mushrooms
- 1/3 cup cooking sherry
- 15 oz ricottá
- 1 cup chopped básil
- 1 Tbsp fresh thyme
- 1/4 cup milk
- 1/2 tsp crushed red pepper, optionál
- 2 cups shredded Ráclette or Fontiná cheese
- 1/2 cup shredded Gruyère or Pecorino Románo cheese
prep the láyers:
- Preheát your oven to 325ºF. Cook the noodles áccording to páckáge directions, dráin, rinse with cold wáter, ánd set áside.
- Bring á lárge pot of wáter to á boil. Pláce the kále in á steámer básket ánd lower into the wáter. Cook until wilted but still á bit crunchy, ábout 1 minute. Remove ánd dráin the kále in á colánder.
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