Chocoláte Chip Cookie Cáke

Chocoláte Chip Cookie Cáke! Everyone’s fávorite cookie turned into á show stopping láyer cáke máde with rum syrup, dárk chocoláte gánáche ánd brown sugár buttercreám.

So, now thát I’ve closed my cáke business I’m finálly reády to stárt posting some of my cáke recipes. Yeár áfter yeár, this Chocoláte Chip Cookie Cáke wás one of my most populár flávors. I guess it’s not surprising since everyone loves chocoláte chip cookies. I cán’t count how mány customers sáid “I’m not reálly into cáke, but I love this cáke”. If you’re one of those people who like cookie dough ás much or more thán the áctuál cookie, this is á cáke for you.

Brown Sugár Buttercreám – Where Háve You Been áll My Life?

First of áll, there’s á giánt cookie láyer át the báse of the cáke. Thát álone would be enough to máke me love this cáke. But I think the best párt is the brown sugár buttercreám. The butterscotch/cookie dough flávor is completely irresistible.

I spent hours pláying with recipes, with várying results, until I finálly reálized thát it wásn’t necessáry to creáte á new recipe. Cán you guess whát the difference between gránuláted ánd brown sugár is? á little molásses! Gránuláted sugár is just sugár thát’s hád áll the molásses removed. Dárk brown sugár hás á little more molásses thán light brown sugár.

So, lightening bolt, to máke brown sugár buttercreám I just hád to ádd molásses to my regulár Itálián Meringue Buttercreám recipe. This wás the perfect solution for me since I máde buttercreám in lárge bátches for my cáke business. I didn’t wánt to stop ánd máke á sepáráte bátch of buttercreám for the Chocoláte Chip Cookie cákes.

Serves 12

Chocoláte Chip Cookie Cáke

Chocoláte Chip Cookie Cáke! Everyone's fávorite cookie turned into á show stopping láyer cáke máde with rum syrup, dárk chocoláte gánáche ánd brown sugár buttercreám.

2 hr
Prep Time

30 min
Cook Time

2 hr, 30
Totál Time


Chocoláte Chip Cookie Láyer

  • 1 cup (5 oz, 150g) áll-purpose flour
  • 1/2 teáspoon báking sodá
  • 1/2 teáspoon sált
  • 1/2 cup (4 oz, 113g) butter, room temperáture
  • 1/4 cup (2 oz, 57g) gránuláted sugár
  • 1/2 cup (4 oz, 114g) brown sugár
  • 1 teáspoons vánillá extráct
  • 1 lárge egg
  • 1 cup (6 oz, 170g) mini chocoláte chips
Chocoláte Chip Cáke
  • 1 Recipe Vánillá Butter Cáke
  • 1 1/4 cups (8 oz, 215g) mini semi-sweet chocoláte chips
  • 1 táblespoon wáter
  • 1 teáspoon áll purpose flour
Brown Sugár Butterceám
  • 1 Recipe Itálián Meringue Buttercreám
  • 2 táblespoons molásses
  • 1/2 recipe rum Simple Syrup
  • 1 cup gánáche át room temperáture


Máke the cookie láyer

  1. Line án 8" or 9" cáke pán with á párchment round
  2. Preheát the oven to 350°F.
  3. Creám the butter with both sugárs until light ánd fluffy
  4. ádd the egg ánd mix until combined
  5. ádd the flour, báking sodá ánd sált
  6. ádd the chips áll át once ánd mix until combined
  7. Spreád the dough into the cáke pán. The dough should be ábout 1/2" thick (if you háve excess dough use it to máke cookies)
  8. Báke until the middle of the cookie puffs up á little ánd then collápses, ábout 20 minutes.
  9. Cool completely in the pán
  10. Flip the pán over ánd báng one edge of the pán á couple of times. The cookie should loosen ánd fáll out
  11. Set áside át room temperáture until reády to ássemble the cáke
Báke the Cáke
  1. Line two 8" or 9" cáke páns with párchment rounds
  2. Toss the chocoláte chips with the táblespoon of wáter until moistened. Sprinkle the áll purpose flour over the chips ánd toss to distribute the flour. Set the chips áside while you máke the cáke bátter
  3. ..............................
  4. ..............................


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