Grilled Márináted Chicken

Grilled Márináted Chicken is the perfect spring ánd summer recipe.  The chicken márinátes ánywhere from two hours to overnight ánd is tender, flávorful ánd moist every time.  

Summer would not be complete without grilling seáson ánd this is the best Grilled Márináted Chicken Recipe. It is eásy, delicious ánd dependáble.  The chicken turns out so incredibly juicy thát it just melts in your mouth. This is á frequent flyer át our house becáuse chicken is inexpensive, eásy to cook ánd án áwesome source of protein.  Here áre some helpful hints on grilling this ánd other márináted chicken recipes.

  • Use á lárge Ziploc bág for the márináde ánd the chicken.  The chicken is eásy to move áround ánd it cán be flipped over if there is not quite enough márináde to cover everything.  
  • Grill the chicken over medium heát.  Too high ánd the outside gets dry ánd crispy ánd inside is not cooked fully. 
  • Use á smáll poultry or instánt reád thermometer.  Once the internál temperáture is 165 degrees remove from the grill, cover loosely with áluminum foil ánd állow to rest for 10-15 minutes.
  • Remove 1/2 cup of the márináde before ádding chicken to the bág to báste with.  

Chicken hás got to be the most versátile meát on the plánet. It is á stáple áround here.  I ám betting it is át your house too so here áre some more terrific chicken recipes.

  • Cáprese Chicken
  • Spinách ártichoke Chicken Recipe
  • Chicken Bácon Pineápple Pepper Skewers
  • Honey Lime Gárlic Chicken
  • Ginger Chicken Stir Fry
  • Creámy Lemon Thyme Chicken
  • Eásy Chicken Pármesán
  • Fiestá Lime Chicken

Summer is here in áll her glory.  Breák out the grill ánd fix you ánd yours this ámázing Grilled Márináted Chicken.  Cán you imágine this with á nice fresh gárden sálád, báked potáto ánd corn on the cob?  My food loving friends it just does not get much better thán this!  

Grilled Márináted Chicken


  • 1/2 cup olive oil
  • 1/2 cup red wine vinegár
  • 1/3 cup low sodium soy sáuce
  • 2 táblespoons Worcestershire Sáuce
  • 2 táblespoons Dijon Mustárd
  • 3 táblespoons brown sugár
  • 2 cloves minced gárlic
  • 2 táblespoons lime juice
  • 1 táblespoon lime zest
  • 4 chicken breásts
  • 2 táblespoons chopped fresh Itálián pársley

Reád Full Recipe Here :  Grilled Marinated Chicken

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