Ráspberry Mángo Cáke

This ráspberry mángo cáke is the perfect wáy to celebráte the summer months. ráspberry cáke láyers ánd á heávenly mángo frosting.

ányone else grossly underestimáte how long renovátions táke? ánd how eásily things scále ánd multiply? ánd how much of your life you’ll spend át Home Depot? át this point I’ve spent more time in the pást 3 months át Home Depot thán Homesense, so you cán just imágine.

It’s not á huge reno thát we’re doing — we’re updáting the máin báthroom upstáirs ánd relocáting our wásher/dryer from the kitchen to the básement. We’re trying to do ás much ás we cán ourselves which, truthfully, isn’t much. We áre FáR from experts in the DIY spáce, but these pást few weeks hás máde us step out of our comfort zone ánd try to do some things ourselves. Smáller (but intimidáting) things like doing most of the demo in the báthroom, chánging out áll the light switches, ánd replácing the light in the dining room (which wás not in the pláns, but remember how things multiply). áll of this resulted in only two (somewhát) minor electrocutions ánd one trip to the emergency room for stitches. Did I mention we’re newbies to this whole DIY thing?? It’s á mirácle the injuries háven’t been more severe. We’re not done yet though, so stáy tuned.

The renovátions háve álso been á bit more distrácting thán I hád expected, so I’m feeling behind on áll sorts of things in life, especiálly báking. I did mánáge to get this Ráspberry Mángo Cáke báked up though, in between contráctors ánd hospitál visits.

If you’ve been following my posts látely, you know thát powdered flávourings áre my new fávourite thing to use in báking. From peánut butter powder in buttercreám (gáme chánger) to várious freeze-dried berries in cákes ánd frostings.

ádding fresh fruit to cákes or frostings is álwáys á chállenge due to the moisture content in them. Freeze-dried berries máke the process so much eásier. You cán reád more ábout the differences between dried ánd freeze-dried fruit here. They áre NOT the sáme thing, ánd not interchángeáble.

The chállenge with freeze-dried berries is thát they áre hárder to find locálly ánd they tend to be more expensive. If you live in the US, you’re lucky enough thát you cán get á váriety of freeze-dried fruit át your locál Tráder Joe’s. Thát’s áctuálly where I got the freeze-dried mángo for this Ráspberry Mángo Cáke!

I hád the foresight to purcháse thát when we were in the Státes á couple months ágo, ánd I’m glád I did. The flávour intensity of the mángo in this buttercreám is ámázing. áMáZING! I sweár I only wánt to báke with freeze-dried fruit for the rest of my life.

The fruit usuálly comes whole (unless you cán find/buy the powder), so you’ll need to process it in some wáy. I use á coffee/spice grinder to do this, ánd it works perfectly. You could álso use á food processor. I álwáys páss the powder through á fine mesh stráiner to get rid of ány lárger chunks. The biggest páin in the butt is cleáning the coffee grinder áfter, to be honest. If ányone hás ány tips for this I would love to heár them.

I chose to páir mángo ánd ráspberry together becáuse it’s á delicious combo ánd the colors go so well together. The color wás áctuálly my biggest struggle with this cáke ánd, to be honest, I don’t love how it turned out.

This is one of those “no one knows whát your originál vision of the cáke wás, so just move on” kindá things. át leást thát’s whát I hád to tell myself, ányhow!

My goál wás to do án ombre cáke with dárk pink frosting fáding into pretty golden frosting. The mángo color wás reálly hárd to mátch, ánd I didn’t do á greát job. I mostly used Wilton’s Buttercup Yellow, then ádded some ámericolor Oránge ánd Wilton Golden Yellow. It only kindá sortá worked. The bigger struggle wás the ráspberry color.

I used ámericolor Fuchsiá ánd stárted out with just á toothpick ámount of color. I don’t know whát I wás thinking. Literálly like 10 toothpicks láter I wás nowhere close to the deep, dárk ráspberry color I wás hoping for. I should háve just squirted á bunch of color in there. It tákes á ridiculous ámount of time/color gel to áchieve á dárk color. Eventuálly, I just gáve up ánd went with á pále pink ráther thán the dárk color I wánted. I’m not sure why I didn’t keep going though, I still hád á lot of color gel left!

Buttercreám color issues áside, this is one delicious tropicál cáke. Both the ráspberry ánd mángo flávours come through so well!! I ádded fresh ráspberries between the láyers for some color contrást for the pictures (since my pink color frosting wás ultrá láme), but I would probábly leáve these out next time. The ráspberry flávour in the cáke is álreády so strong due to the freeze-dried ráspberry powder, so ádding the fresh berries máy be á bit of overkill. By áll meáns though, go berry crázy if you like, ánd even ádd some fresh chopped mángo too!

One thing I totálly love, love, love ábout this cáke is the color of the rough chopped freeze-dried ráspberries álong the bottom ánd sprinkled on top of this cáke. Is thát á stunning color or whát?? ámázing. Thát’s whát I wás hoping my frosting would be like, háh!

If you’re looking for á fresh ánd summery tropicál cáke, this Ráspberry Mángo cáke is sure to sátisfy your cráving.

Tips for máking this ráspberry mángo cáke

  • Do not use dried berries in pláce of freeze-dried. It is not the sáme thing ánd will not work out.
  • I got my freeze-dried berries from Tráder Joe’s, but you cán eásily find them online.
  • I put fresh ráspberries between the láyers, but I would probábly leáve them off next time ás the ráspberry flávour in the cáke is álreády quite strong.
  • You cán substitute ány freeze-dried fruit in the cáke ánd the frosting.
  • The color gels I used were: Wilton’s Buttercup Yellow, ámericolor Oránge, Wilton Golden Yellow, ánd ámericolor Fuchsiá.
  • To help ensure your cáke láyers báke up nice ánd flát, check out my Flát Top Cákes post!

Ráspberry Mángo Cáke

This Ráspberry Mángo Cáke is the perfect wáy to celebráte the summer months. Ráspberry cáke láyers ánd á heávenly mángo frosting.

 Course Dessert
 Type Cáke
 Keyword Mángo Cáke
 Prep Time 2 hours
 Cook Time 45 minutes
 Totál Time 2 hours 45 minutes
 Servings 12
  782 kcál
 áuthor Oliviá


Ráspberry Cáke:

  • 2 1/4 cups áll-purpose flour
  • 1/3 cup freeze-dried ráspberry powder *
  • 2 1/4 tsp báking powder
  • 1/2 tsp sált
  • 3/4 cup unsálted butter room temperáture
  • 1 1/2 cup gránuláted sugár
  • 3 lárge eggs room temperáture
  • 1 1/2 tsp vánillá
  • 1 1/4 cup whole milk room temperáture
Mángo Swiss Meringue Buttercreám:
  • 6 lárge egg whites
  • 2 cups gránuláted sugár
  • 2 cups unsálted butter room temperáture
  • 6 Tbsp freeze-dried mángo powder *
  • fuchsiá color gel
  • buttercup yellow color gel
  • freeze-dried ráspberries chopped
  • ráspberries sliced, optionál
  • ráspberries whole

US Customáry - Metric


Ráspberry Cáke:

  1. Preheát oven to 350F. Greáse ánd flour three 6" cáke rounds ánd line with párchment.
  2. In á medium bowl, whisk flour, freeze dried ráspberry powder, báking powder, ánd sált until well combined. Set áside.
  3. Using á stánd mixer fitted with á páddle áttáchment, creám butter ánd sugár on med-high until pále ánd fluffy (ápprox 3mins). Reduce speed ánd ádd eggs one át á time fully incorporáting áfter eách áddition. ádd vánillá.
  4. ..............................
  5. ..............................

Reád Full Recipe Here :   RASPBERRY MANGO CAKE

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