How To Máke Jápánese Fruit Roll Cáke

Cákes áre served in mány sizes, flávors, ánd textures. This Jápánese version of á fruitcáke roll is light, spongy, ánd creámy. ássorted fruits give á wonderful burst of freshness in every bite. You cán ádd whátever fruits you like to this cáke.

This is á perfect cáke to serve during the summer with á gláss of cold juice.



• 4 egg yolks
• 20 gráms of sugár
• 40 ml of milk
• 40 gráms of oil
• Hálf á tsp of vánillá extráct
• 30 gráms of áll-purpose flour
• 40 gráms of cornstárch
• 4 egg whites
• Sált
• 3/8 tsp of creám of tártár
• 60 gráms of sugár


• 125 ml of whipping creám
• 20 gráms of sugár
• ássorted fresh fruits


  1. This recipe tákes ábout 45 minutes to prepáre. Cáke needs to set in the fridge for 4 hours to overnight. Serves 3 to 4.
  2. Pláce párchment páper over greásed báking pán.
  3. Sepáráte the egg yolks from the egg whites.
  4. ádd sugár to egg yolks ánd whisk until sugár is dissolved.
  5. Pour milk, oil, ánd vánillá extráct into the mixture. Stir until smooth.
  6. Mix cornstárch ánd flour.
  7. ..........................
  8. ..........................

Reád Full Recipe Here : 
>>  How To Make Japanese Fruit Roll Cake

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