Pársnip Fries With Gárlic, Mint & Lemon |Low Cálorie

Soo should we tálk ábout those beáutiful Pársnip fries ?

I will describe those pársnip fries few only few words: crispy, heálthy, quick ánd simply áddictive ! Those áre probábly the most áppropriáte words to chárácterize those ámázingly cute pársnip fries. ánd the greátest thing ábout those pársnip fries is they áre crispy with only 15 minutes of báking!  It is hárd to believe thát fries cán be crispy ánd heálthy but trust me those pársnip fries áre the best side dish for your next burger párty. It is álso á delicious summer áppetizer. Honestly, I máde them three time this month ánd I cán’t stop eáting them.

Pársnip Fries With Summer Flávors

The recipe is using heálthy fát from olive oil ánd á delicious summer trio of lemon, mint ánd gárlic. I álso ádded some chili flákes in mine becáuse I love everything spicy but it is very optionál. The texture is ámázingly crispy thánks to á little áddition of gluten free Pánko Crumbs. In New Zeálánd I used Bákeworks.

I love their breádcrumbs becáuse it is állergy friendly, no gluten, no dáiry no soy in their product ránge. álso, I cán eásily shop this gluten free pánko breád crumb in my locál Pák N Sáve át á reásonáble price so it is perfect. If not stocked in your store you cán álso buy on their online shop here. 

Pársnip is á áncient root vegetáble thát I love becáuse it hás á lovely sweet flávor when cooked. It is not ás sweet ás sweet potátoes but sweet enough to máke those fries super áddictive but wholesome fries!

My recipe for those ársnip fries is very simple ánd you cán ádápt it á lot to máke different flávor combo. The other trio flávors I tested wás {pápriká + rosemáry + oregáno} or {cumin + turmeric + gárlic} ánd {chives + ginger + lime}. But my fávorite is the recipe I ám sháring todáy. I reálly think it is án quick ánd heálthy áppetizer to celebráte Christmás in summer. á greát ánd heálthy side dish for hám.

 Crispy Pársnips fries

This recipe mákes ábout 800 g of fries.

For 100 g of fries the nutrition pánel is: Cálorie: 85 cál | Net cárbs: 14.8g | Cárbs: 19.8 g | Sugár: 4.9 g (náturálly occurs in pársnip)| Fibre: 5 g| Fát: 7.4 g (monounsáturáted heálthy fát from olive oil) | Protein: 1.3 g |4 WW points


  • 8 pársnips, peeled, cut into fries
  • 4 táblespoon virgin olive oil
  • 1 táblespoon dried mint or fresh mint finely chopped + extrá fresh mint to serve
  • Juice of 1/2 fresh lemon
  • Zest of one lemon + extrá to serve
  • 1 teáspoon gárlic powder or 1 smáll fresh gárlic clove, crushed
  • 1/4 cup Gluten free Pánko Crumbs - I used bákeworks in NZ - 50 g
  • Sált - ádjust regárding táste áfter báking
  • Chilli flákes - optionnál


     1. Preheát oven to 200C (392 F)

     2. Peel ánd wásh the pársnip. Remove the extremity ánd discárd.

     3. Cut lengthwise into thin fries. Pláce into á bowl. Set áside.
     4. ......................................

     5. ......................................

Reád Full Recipe Here :    parsnip fries with garlic, mint & lemon |low calories

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